Described as “phenomenological” by its creator, Burt Hellinger, Family Systems Constellations is a truly profound healing modality because it functions outside of the normal health and therapy spheres (body, subconscious, and energetic space) and works exclusively at the Soul or quantum level.
Family Systems Constellations work is a therapeutic process that loosens blocks and stuck places in relationships, whether that is the relationship between yourself and a certain life situation, the dynamic within a group or organization, a physical relationship, or the unique interplays within your body’s systems.
A key principle of Constellations work is that the flow of Love is meant to move freely through systems, families, relationships, our bodies, and our lives. Often due to trauma, grief, loss, dysfunctional family patterns, and themes of war, cultural repression, and racism, dynamics become blocked and the flow of Love becomes hindered. This hindered flow affects our health, relationship dynamics, career, spirituality, and ultimately…our soul expression.
Some situations where Constellations work is helpful:
bringing understanding or grace to parent-child dynamics (whether those children are adults or still young)
with blocks in career and finding life purpose
health issues that are stuck or otherwise unexplainable
fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum concerns
healing birth traumas of our own and held in ancestry
trauma recovery
eating disorder or addiction recovery
estrangement or family disharmony
difficulty in workplace dynamics
marriage and relationship blocks and divorce/separation
adoptive parents or children/adult children who were adopted
processing persistent personal patterns that hinder growth
releasing ancestral grief and trauma from war, cultural suppression, refugeeism, persecution, and racism
church or religious trauma
imbalances in physical homes and land
Because Constellation work removes the need to “fix” and instead invites individuals to hold presence with uncomfortable dynamics and truths, love naturally becomes able to flow through again. The healing phrases we say when holding space for our ancestral dynamics not only frees up the imbalances, but also opens in the light, strength, and gifts that our ancestors hold and pass onto us. Some common client experiences after sessions are:
Increased clarity about their situation or what next steps are necessary
Accessing new gifts and skills available within their lineage and their quantum DNA
Parents finally being able to see what their nonverbal or complex children need and to appreciate their unique journey at a soul level
Health conditions, traumas, and ailments feel more understandable, and appropriate remedies and solutions are connected with
More intimate connection with nature and cycles and seasons of the planet and their bodies
Unburdening from carrying generational “baggage” that is not one’s own
Deep connection to oneself and their soul’s mission and purpose
Closer connection in people’s inner relationships with themselves and the relationships in their life
Constellations can be done in a group setting, with couples, or with individuals, and I have been trained in both group and individual constellations facilitation, with different techniques employed for each person or energy to be represented. This work functions just as effectively when it is conducted over Zoom as it is in person! You can find out more about how Constellations works here and also here.