You are a soul having a human experience
At our core, you are expansive, vibrant, healthy, wild and FREE, yet sometimes our human experiences and generational programming cause our bodies and minds to forget the infinite healing potential available to us.
Underneath the layers of sickness, stuckness, dis-ease, and generational imbalances is a sacred blueprint of health, harmony, freedom and abundance that most of us have been conditioned to separate ourselves from.
When we take a step back and lean in more deeply, we rediscover that our bodies, emotions, and spirits are actually infinite and expansive, capable of miracles and greatness beyond what our human minds have ever thought possible. We are indeed infinite souls having a human experience!
To feel this kind of alignment and connectedness is your birthright, and it is Kristen’s honor to partner with you through the path of reclaiming your health, divine connection, and freedom from traumas, subconscious patterns, and generational dis-ease.
Meet Kristen
Kristen is an innovator and paradigm shifter in wellness as she bridges the gap between spirituality and science. Kristen brings over 15 years of experience in integrative energy medicine, conscious mothering, and functional health to her work with clients and over 20 years of experience in creative direction and facilitating women's groups.
Kristen partners with way showers, entrepreneurs, creatives, therapists, healers, and mothers as they embrace their infinite soul’s potential, learn how to nurture themselves, dissolve generational patterns, and tend their sacred wells.
You can work with Kristen through:
The Wisdom Collective Membership Community
The MotherWell 1:1 Coaching Immersion
One on one Family Constellations or Integrative Health sessions
join the membership community
join the membership community
Join a conscious community of artists, healers, coaches, paradigm shifters, wayshowers, intuitives, creatives, and mothers where you will learn all the tools Kristen has gathered over her 15 years of practicing spiritual work and integrative energy medicine.
You’ll receive monthly prompts, weekly videos with inner work themes, plant remedy suggestions, and creative practices to guide you in your healing and self mothering journey.
Healing through community connection
Every part of creation reflects a brilliant design that exists within sacred community. We see it in:
Our spiritual connections to one another within the quantum web of existence
The intricate symphony of cellular structures that together make up tissue, blood, bones, and organs in the body
The way plant and animal systems are organized into groves, packs, families, and groups
And we are culturally coming back to the concept of a village…a safe place where we can all hold space for each other’s becoming.
With these concepts in mind, Kristen has created the MotherWell Wisdom Collective, her membership group for wayshowers, intuitives, paradigm shifters, entrepreneurs, creatives, and mothers.
MotherWell Coaching
4 Month One on One Coaching Immersion
MotherWell is Kristen’s signature coaching immersion for Change Makers, Wayshowers, Entrepreneurs, Artists, Healers, Therapists, Paradigm-Shifters, and Mothers who are ready to transmute generational patterns of hustle, overwork, people pleasing, and depletion and to reactivate a new matriarchal pattern defined by rest, self care, nourishment, and the ability to effortlessly mother themselves. This is a coaching container that helps you align with your spirituality, gain energy balancing skills and techniques, and heal the ancestral patterns holding you back from living a well-nourished and nurtured life. You might be a great fit for this deep dive experience if you find yourself:
confronting lingering habits and generational patterns that keep you from meaningfully pursuing your calling
longing to understand how to tend to your spiritual body and energetic wellbeing
feeling uncomfortable stepping into your power
struggling with overwork and depletion
showing up for others, but having difficulty consistently meeting yourself and self-nurturing
ready to do anything it takes to come into self nurturance so you can tend all the other aspects of your life
feeling bound to repeating the patterns of your parents and ancestors
one on one Sessions
Family Systems Constellations
Family Systems Constellations is a therapeutic practice designed to help individuals, families, and groups viewing people and situations from the Soul level instead of the human/ego level. The practice helps release tension and promote health and flow within family and group spaces whether that is your inner family system or the circumstances around you. Constellations can help:
Loosen tension in one’s inner or outer family system and groups
Remove blocks to health, healing, and the flow of love between individuals and within body systems
Reveal generational strength, resilience, and facilitate the flow of miracles that is also existent in our ancestry and our bodies
Constellations practices can be effectively done individually (in one-on-one sessions) or in a group setting; in person or virtually. Some common client experiences are:
Increased clarity about their situation or what next steps are necessary
Accessing new gifts and skills available within their lineage and their quantum DNA
Parents finally being able to see what their nonverbal or complex children need and to appreciate their unique journey at a soul level
Health conditions, traumas, and ailments feel more understandable, and appropriate remedies and solutions are connected with
More intimate connection with nature and cycles and seasons of the planet and their bodies
Unburdening from carrying generational “baggage” that is not one’s own
Deep connection to oneself and their soul’s mission and purpose
Closer connection in people’s inner relationships with themselves and the relationships in their life
While many people approach Constellations practice from a lens of healing an individual issue, this soul work has a deep spiritual ripple effect of also bringing deep healing to the families, communities, and our collective because of the connectedness of everything!
Integrative Energy Medicine + Coaching
Integrative Energy sessions are designed to help individuals balance their luminous spiritual bodies, mental states, subconscious minds, and inner family systems. Kristen utilizes coaching techniques and accompanied with dreamwork, subconscious release, frequency medicine, Internal Family Systems practices, and Jungian psychology using kinesiology and biofeedback to determine exactly what your body needs. These sessions are available in person and virtually and can be helpful for:
helping you feel more present in your body
balancing subconscious belief patterns that no longer serve you
assisting all your body systems in functioning in harmony
connecting you with your inner parts, aspects, and archetypes
creating awareness around patterns that may be keeping you stuck
giving you tools to stay balanced and aligned on your own
Kind words from clients
“Kristen is a skilled and brilliant intuitive practitioner. Her ability to hold space, listen deeply, and apply the tool needed for change has been transformational and life-changing for me.”
— TN Client
“After just one session, my being felt lighter, peaceful, and my blood pressure had lowered significantly. I’m equipped to navigate tricky relationships and have a deep sense of peace in situations that normally would have triggered me.”
— TN Client